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The Javanese Keris

The traditional pointed weapon of Javanese which always brought everywhere in the past times especially by Javanese nobel where it could also show the social status of the owner. This culture
predicted start in the VIth century, and then spread to allover Indonesia and surrounding countries included Malaya (now Malaysia), the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodge. The name and terminology of the keris itself was founded in Java in the year of 824, but the oldest keris was discovered in Magelang Regency, Central Java in the year of 500.
The length of the keris is ranging from 35 cm to 50 cm and also depending upon from where it was made. It is also consiidered as " a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity " by the UNESCO and this declaration was base upon not only the historical value but also the fact that the tradition of Javanese keris is actually a living culture, which is still exist until today, and have both special and unique status in the Javanese society.